WireArray::implode() method

Combine all elements into a delimiter-separated string containing the given property from each item

Similar to PHP's implode() function.


// basic usage
$string = $wireArray->implode(string $delimiter);

// usage with all arguments
$string = $wireArray->implode(string $delimiter, $property = '', array $options = []);



The delimiter to separate each item by (or the glue to tie them together). If not needed, this argument may be omitted and $property supplied first (also shifting $options to 2nd arg).

property (optional)string, callable

The property to retrieve from each item, or a function that returns the value to store. If a function/closure is provided it is given the $item (argument 1) and the $key (argument 2), and it should return the value (string) to use. If delimiter is omitted, this becomes the first argument.

options (optional)array

Optional options to modify the behavior:

  • skipEmpty (bool): Whether empty items should be skipped (default=true)
  • prepend (string): String to prepend to result. Ignored if result is blank.
  • append (string): String to append to result. Ignored if result is blank.
  • Please note that if delimiter is omitted, $options becomes the second argument.

Return value


See Also

WireArray methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244

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