Selectors class

Processes a selector string into a WireArray of Selector objects.

This Selectors class is used internally by ProcessWire to provide selector string (and array) matching throughout the core.

$selectors = new Selectors(); 
$selectors->init("sale_price|retail_price>100, currency=USD|EUR");
if($selectors->matches($page)) {
  // selector string matches the given $page (which can be any Wire-derived item)
// iterate and display what's in this Selectors object
foreach($selectors as $selector) {
  echo "<p>";
  echo "Field(s): " . implode('|', $selector->fields) . "<br>";
  echo "Operator: " . $selector->operator . "<br>";
  echo "Value(s): " . implode('|', $selector->values) . "<br>";
  echo "</p>";

Click any linked item for full usage details and examples. Hookable methods are indicated with the icon. In addition to those shown below, the Selectors class also inherits all the methods and properties of: WireArray and Wire.

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Static helpers

Static helper methods useful in analyzing selector strings outside of this class.

Selectors::arrayToKeyValueString(array $a)
stringGiven an assoc array, convert to a key=value selector-style string 
arrayReturn array of all valid operator characters 
Selectors::getOperatorType(string $operator)
bool stringReturn a string indicating the type of operator that it is, or false if not an operator 
array string intGet all operators allowed by selectors 
arrayReturn array of other characters that have meaning in a selector outside of operators 
Selectors::getSelectorByOperator(string $operator)
Selector int string falseGiven an operator, return Selector instance (or other requested Selector property) 
Selectors::isOperator(string $operator)
bool stringReturns true if given string is a recognized operator, or false if not 
Selectors::keyValueStringToArray(string $s)
arraySimple "a=b, c=d" selector-style string conversion to associative array, for fast/simple needs 
Selectors::selectorHasField($selectors, $fieldName)
array boolDoes given selector have given field (and optionally operator and/or value)? 
Selectors::stringHasOperator(string $str)
boolDoes the given string have an operator in it? 
Selectors::stringHasSelector(string $str)
boolIs the given string a Selector string? 

Additional methods and properties

In addition to the methods and properties above, Selectors also inherits the methods and properties of these classes:

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244

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