$sanitizer->entitiesA() method

Entity encode with support for [A]rrays and other non-string values

This is similar to the existing entities() method with the following differences:

  • Array values that are strings are encoded recursively to any depth and array is returned.
  • Associative array keys (strings) are entity encoded, integer keys are left as-is.
  • Objects that implement __toString() are converted to string and entity encoded.
  • Objects that do not implement __toString() are converted to a class name.
  • If given an int, float, bool, array or string, that is also the type returned.

Available since version 3.0.194.


// basic usage
$array = $sanitizer->entitiesA($value);

// usage with all arguments
$array = $sanitizer->entitiesA($value, int $flags = 3, string $encoding = 'UTF-8', bool $doubleEncode = true);


valuearray, string, int, float, object, bool
flags (optional)int
encoding (optional)string
doubleEncode (optional)bool

Return value

array string int float bool

See Also

$sanitizer methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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