Remove the given page(s) from the cache, or uncache all by omitting $page argument
When no $page argument is given, this method behaves the same as $pages->uncacheAll()
When any $page argument is given, this does not remove pages from selectorCache.
// basic usage
$int = $pages->uncache();
// usage with all arguments
$int = $pages->uncache($page = null, array $options = []);
Name | Type(s) | Description |
page (optional) | Page, PageArray, int, null | Page to uncache, PageArray of pages to uncache, ID of page to uncache (3.0.153+), or omit to uncache all. |
options (optional) | array | Additional options to modify behavior:
Return value
Number of pages uncached
API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244