$pages API variable / Pages class

Enables loading and manipulation of Page objects, to and from the database.

Click any linked item for full usage details and examples. Hookable methods are indicated with the icon. In addition to those shown below, the Pages class also inherits all the methods and properties of: Wire.

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intCount and return how many pages will match the given selector. 
PageArray arrayGiven a Selector string, return the Page objects that match in a PageArray.
arrayLike find() except returns array of IDs rather than Page objects 
$pages->findJoin($selector, $joinFields)
PageArrayFind pages and specify which fields to join (overriding configured autojoin settings) 
PageArrayLike find(), but with “lazy loading” to support giant result sets without running out of memory. 
Page NullPageLike find() but returns only the first match as a Page object (not PageArray). 
arrayFind pages and return raw data from them in a PHP array 
Page NullPageReturns the first page matching the given selector with no exclusions 
PageArray PageGiven array or CSV string of Page IDs, return a PageArray 
int arrayGet one ID of page matching given selector with no exclusions, like get() but returns ID rather than a Page 
$pages->getInfoByPath(string $path)
arrayGet verbose array of info about a given page path 
array intIs there any page that matches the given $selector in the system? (with no exclusions) 


arrayFind pages and return raw data from them in a PHP array 
$pages->getByPath(string $path)
Page intGet a page by its path, similar to $pages->get('/path/to/page/') but with more options 
Page NullPageGet a fresh, non-cached copy of a Page from the database 
stringGiven an ID, return a path to a page, without loading the actual page 
arrayGet single page and return raw data in an associative array 
$pages->insertAfter(Page $page, Page $afterPage)
(nothing)Sort/move one page after another (for manually sorted pages)
$pages->insertBefore(Page $page, Page $beforePage)
(nothing)Sort/move one page above another (for manually sorted pages)
boolGet or set the current output formatting state 
$pages->sort(Page $page)
intSet the “sort” value for given $page while adjusting siblings, or re-build sort for its children


Page array nullGiven a Page ID, return it if it's cached, or NULL of it's not. 
intRemove the given page(s) from the cache, or uncache all by omitting $page argument 
intRemove all pages from the cache (to clear memory) 


PagesNamesGet Pages API methods specific to generating and modifying page names 
PagesPathFinderGet the PagesPathFinder instance 
PagesRawGet the PagesRaw instance 
PagesRequestGet the PagesRequest instance 

For hooks

These methods are only useful for hooking and should not be called directly.

$pages->added(Page $page)
(nothing)Hook called after a new page has been added
$pages->cloneReady(Page $page, Page $copy)
(nothing)Hook called when a page is about to be cloned, but before data has been touched
$pages->cloned(Page $page, Page $copy)
(nothing)Hook called when a page has been cloned
$pages->deleteBranchReady(Page $page, array $options)
(nothing)Hook called before a branch of pages is about to be deleted, called on root page of branch only
$pages->deleteReady(Page $page)
(nothing)Hook called when a page is about to be deleted, but before data has been touched
$pages->deleted(Page $page)
(nothing)Hook called after a page and its data have been deleted
$pages->deletedBranch(Page $page, array $options, int $numDeleted)
(nothing)Hook called after a a branch of pages has been deleted, called on root page of branch only
$pages->found(PageArray $pages, array $details)
(nothing)Hook called at the end of a $pages->find(), includes extra info not seen in the resulting PageArray
$pages->moveReady(Page $page)
(nothing)Hook called when a page is about to be moved to another parent
$pages->moved(Page $page)
(nothing)Hook called when a page has been moved from one parent to another
$pages->publishReady(Page $page)
(nothing)Hook called right before an unpublished page is published and saved
$pages->published(Page $page)
(nothing)Hook called after an unpublished page has just been published
$pages->renameReady(Page $page)
(nothing)Hook called when a page is about to be renamed i.e. had its name field change)
$pages->renamed(Page $page)
(nothing)Hook called when a page has been renamed (i.e. had its name field change)
$pages->restoreReady(Page $page)
(nothing)Hook called when a page is about to be moved OUT of the trash (restored)
$pages->restored(Page $page)
(nothing)Hook called when a page has been moved OUT of the trash (restored)
$pages->saveFieldReady(Page $page, Field $field)
(nothing)Hook called when Pages::saveField is ready to execute
$pages->savePageOrFieldReady(Page $page)
(nothing)Hook called when either of Pages::save or Pages::saveField is ready to execute
$pages->saveReady(Page $page)
arrayHook called just before a page is saved
$pages->saved(Page $page)
(nothing)Hook called after a page is successfully saved
$pages->savedField(Page $page, Field $field)
(nothing)Hook called after Pages::saveField successfully executes
$pages->savedPageOrField(Page $page)
(nothing)Hook called after either of Pages::save or Pages::saveField successfully executes
$pages->sorted(Page $page)
(nothing)Hook called after a page has been sorted, or had its children re-sorted
$pages->statusChangeReady(Page $page)
(nothing)Hook called when a page's status is about to be changed and saved
$pages->statusChanged(Page $page)
(nothing)Hook called when a page status has been changed and saved
$pages->templateChanged(Page $page)
(nothing)Hook called when a page's template has been changed
$pages->trashReady(Page $page)
(nothing)Hook called when a Page is about to be trashed
$pages->trashed(Page $page)
(nothing)Hook called when a page has been moved to the trash
$pages->unpublishReady(Page $page)
(nothing)Hook called right before a published page is unpublished and saved
$pages->unpublished(Page $page)
(nothing)Hook called after published page has just been unpublished

Additional methods and properties

In addition to the methods and properties above, Pages also inherits the methods and properties of these classes:

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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