Pageimage class

Represents an image item attached to a page, typically via an Image Fieldtype.

Pageimage objects are usually contained by a Pageimages object, which is a type of Pagefiles and WireArray. In addition to the methods and properties below, you'll also want to look at Pagefile which this class inherits several important methods and properties from.

// Example of outputting a thumbnail gallery of Pageimage objects
foreach($page->images as $image) {
  // $image and $thumb are both Pageimage objects
  $thumb = $image->size(200, 200);
  echo "<a href='$image->url'>";
  echo "<img src='$thumb->url' alt='$image->description' />";
  echo "</a>";

Click any linked item for full usage details and examples. Hookable methods are indicated with the icon. In addition to those shown below, the Pageimage class also inherits all the methods and properties of: Pagefile, WireData and Wire.

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Pageimage::__construct($pagefiles, string $filename)
(nothing)Construct a new Pageimage 
Pageimage::alt string Convenient alias for the 'description' property, unless overridden (since 3.0.125). 
Pageimage::basename string Returns the filename without the path. 
Pageimage::createdVariation(Pageimage $image, array $data)
(nothing)Called after new image variation created (3.0.180+)
Pageimage::debugInfo PageimageDebugInfo 
Pageimage::description string Value of the file’s description field (string), if enabled. Note you can also set this property directly. 
Pageimage::ext string File’s extension (i.e. last 3 or so characters) 
stringReturns the full disk path to the image file
Can also be used as property: Pageimage::filename
Pageimage::filesize int File size (number of bytes). 
Pageimage::filesizeStr string File size as a formatted string, i.e. “123 Kb”. 
Pageimage::focusStr string Readable string containing focus information. 
array object stringVerbose debug info (via 
arrayGet all filenames associated with this image 
Pageimage::hasFocus bool Does this image have custom focus settings? (i.e. $focus['default'] == true) 
Pageimage::hash string Get a unique hash (for the page) representing this Pagefile. 
int PageimageReturn the height of this image OR return an image sized with a given height (and proportional width).
Can also be used as property: Pageimage::height
Pageimage::httpUrl string URL to the file on the server including scheme and hostname. 
Pageimage::name string Returns the filename without the path, same as the "basename" property. 
floatGet ratio of width divided by height
Can also be used as property: Pageimage::ratio
stringRender markup for this image (optionally using a provided markup template string and/or image size options)
Pageimage::set(string $key, mixed $value)
Pageimage WireDataSet property 
PageimageReturn an image (Pageimage) sized/cropped to the specified dimensions. 
Pageimage::sizeName(string $name)
PageimageReturn image of size indicated by predefined setting 
Pageimage::src string Convenient alias for the 'url' property, unless overridden (since 3.0.125). 
Pageimage::suffixStr string String of file suffix(es) separated by comma. 
stringReturn the web accessible URL to this image file
Can also be used as property: Pageimage::url
PagefileExtraGet WebP "extra" version of this Pageimage
Can also be used as property: Pageimage::webp
int PageimageReturn the width of this image OR return an image sized with a given width (and proportional height).
Can also be used as property: Pageimage::width

Resize and crop

Pageimage::crop(int $x, int $y, int $width, int $height)
PageimageCreate a crop and return it as a new Pageimage.
Pageimage::error string Last image resizing error message, when applicable.  
int PageimageReturn the height of this image OR return an image sized with a given height (and proportional width).
Can also be used as property: Pageimage::height
Pageimage::maxHeight(int $n)
PageimageReturn an image no larger than the given height. 
Pageimage::maxSize(int $width, int $height)
PageimageReturn an image no larger than the given width and height 
Pageimage::maxWidth(int $n)
PageimageReturn an image no larger than the given width. 
PageimageReturn an image (Pageimage) sized/cropped to the specified dimensions. 
int PageimageReturn the width of this image OR return an image sized with a given width (and proportional height).
Can also be used as property: Pageimage::width


A variation refers to an image that is based upon another (like a resized or cropped version for example).

Pageimage nullIf this image is a variation, return the original, otherwise return null. 
Pageimages arrayGet all size variations of this image 
Pageimage::isVariation(string $basename)
bool string arrayGiven a file name (basename), return array of info if this is a variation for this instance’s file, or false if not.
Pageimage::original Pageimage Reference to original $image, if this is a resized version.  
arrayRebuilds variations of this image
PageImageVariations arrayDelete all the alternate sizes associated with this Pageimage 
Pageimage::setOriginal(Pageimage $image)
$thisIdentify this Pageimage as a variation, by setting the Pageimage it was resized from. 


Pageimage::HTTPURL string Same as the cache-busting uppercase “URL” property, but includes scheme and hostname.  
Pageimage::URL string Same as $url property but with browser cache busting query string appended.  
Pageimage::field Field The Field object that this file is part of.  
array bool PageimageGet or set focus area for crops to use
Can also be used as property: Pageimage::focus
Pageimage::page Page The Page object that this file is part of.  
Pageimage::pagefiles Pagefiles The Pagefiles WireArray that contains this file.  
array boolReturns array of suffixes for this file, or true/false if this file has the given suffix.
Can also be used as property: Pageimage::suffix



Pageimage::tags string Value of the file’s tags field (string), if enabled.  
Pageimage::tagsArray array Get file tags as an array.  

Date time

Pageimage::created int Unix timestamp of when file was created.  
Pageimage::createdStr string Readable date/time string of when Pagefile was created  
Pageimage::modified int Unix timestamp of when Pagefile (file, description or tags) was last modified.  
Pageimage::modifiedStr string Readable date/time string of when Pagefile was last modified.  
Pageimage::mtime int Unix timestamp of when file (only) was last modified.  
Pageimage::mtimeStr string Readable date/time string when file (only) was last modified.  

Additional methods and properties

In addition to the methods and properties above, Pageimage also inherits the methods and properties of these classes:

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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