$page->numChildren() method

Return number of all children, optionally with conditions

Use this over the $page->numChildren property when you want to specify a selector, or when you want the result to include only visible children. See the options for the $selector argument.

When you want to retrieve all children with no exclusions or conditions, use the $page->numChildren property instead.


// Find how many children were modified in the last week
$qty = $page->numChildren("modified>='-1 WEEK'");


// basic usage
$int = $page->numChildren();

// usage with all arguments
$int = $page->numChildren($selector = null);


selector (optional)bool, string, array
  • When not specified, result includes all children without conditions, same as $page->numChildren property.
  • When a string or array, a selector is assumed and quantity will be counted based on selector.
  • When boolean true, number includes only visible children (excludes unpublished, hidden, no-access, etc.)
  • When boolean false, number includes all children without conditions, including unpublished, hidden, no-access, etc.
  • When integer 1 number includes “viewable” children (as opposed to “visible” children, viewable children includes hidden pages and also includes unpublished pages if user has page-edit permission).

Return value


Number of children

See Also

$page methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244

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