Inputfield class

Inputfield is the base class for modules that collect user input for fields.

// Create an Inputfield
$inputfield = $modules->get('InputfieldText');
$inputfield->label = 'Your Name';
$inputfield->attr('name', 'your_name');
$inputfield->attr('value', 'Roderigo');
// Add to a $form (InputfieldForm or InputfieldWrapper)

Click any linked item for full usage details and examples. Hookable methods are indicated with the icon. In addition to those shown below, the Inputfield class also inherits all the methods and properties of: WireData and Wire.

Show class?             Show args?        

Attribute methods

$thisAdd a class or classes to this Inputfield (or a wrapping element)
Can also be used as property: Inputfield::addClass
Inputfield array string int object floatGet or set an attribute (or multiple attributes) 
string InputfieldGet class attribute or add a class to the class attribute. @since 3.0.110
Can also be used as property: Inputfield::class
Inputfield::has(string $key)
boolDoes this Inputfield have the requested property or attribute? 
boolDoes this Inputfield have the given class name (or names)? 
string InputfieldGet or set the id attribute. @since 3.0.110
Can also be used as property: Inputfield::id
boolIs this Inputfield empty? (Value attribute reflects an empty state) 
string InputfieldGet or set the name attribute. @since 3.0.110
Can also be used as property: Inputfield::name
Inputfield::removeAttr(string $key)
$thisRemove an attribute 
$thisRemove the given class (or classes) from this Inputfield 
Inputfield string array nullGet or set attribute for the element wrapping this Inputfield 

Attribute properties

These properties are retrieved or manipulated via the attribute methods above.

Inputfield::value mixed HTML 'value' attribute for the Inputfield.  


Inputfield::get(string $key)
mixed nullGet a property or attribute from the Inputfield 
Inputfield::getSetting(string $key)
mixedGets a setting (or API variable) from the Inputfield, while ignoring attributes. 
Inputfield::has(string $key)
boolDoes this Inputfield have the requested property or attribute? 
Inputfield::set(string $key, mixed $value)
Inputfield WireDataSet a property or attribute to the Inputfield 


InputfieldForm nullGet the InputfieldForm element that contains this field or null if not yet defined 
InputfieldWrapper nullGet this Inputfield’s parent InputfieldWrapper, or NULL if it doesn’t have one. 
arrayGet array of all parents of this Inputfield. 
InputfieldForm InputfieldWrapper nullGet the root parent InputfieldWrapper element (farthest parent, commonly InputfieldForm) 
null Inputfield InputfieldWrapperGet or set parent of Inputfield 
arrayGet array of all parents of this Inputfield 
Inputfield::setParent(InputfieldWrapper $parent)
$thisSet the parent (InputfieldWrapper) of this Inputfield. 


string InputfieldGet or set the 'appendMarkup' property via method. @since 3.0.110
Can also be used as property: Inputfield::appendMarkup
string InputfieldGet or set the 'description' property via method. @since 3.0.110
Can also be used as property: Inputfield::description
Inputfield::detail string Optional text details that appear under notes. @since 3.0.140  
string InputfieldGet or set the 'head' property via method. @since 3.0.110
string InputfieldGet or set the 'icon' property via method. @since 3.0.110
Can also be used as property: Inputfield::icon
string InputfieldGet or set the 'label' property via method. @since 3.0.110
Can also be used as property: Inputfield::label
string InputfieldGet or set the 'notes' property via method. @since 3.0.110
Can also be used as property: Inputfield::notes
string InputfieldGet or set the 'prependMarkup' property via method. @since 3.0.110
Can also be used as property: Inputfield::prependMarkup
string InputfieldGet or set the 'requiredLabel' property via method. @since 3.0.110
Can also be used as property: Inputfield::requiredLabel
Inputfield::tabLabel string Label for tab if Inputfield rendered in its own tab via Inputfield::collapsedTab* setting. @since 3.0.201  


int InputfieldGet or set collapsed property via method. @since 3.0.110
Can also be used as property: Inputfield::collapsed
int InputfieldGet or set columnWidth property via method. @since 3.0.110
Can also be used as property: Inputfield::columnWidth
string InputfieldGet or set showIf selector property via method. @since 3.0.110
Can also be used as property: Inputfield::showIf
int InputfieldGet or set the skipLabel constant property via method. @since 3.0.110
Can also be used as property: Inputfield::skipLabel


Settings for Inputfields recognized and used by AdminThemeUikit.

Inputfield::themeBlank bool Makes <input> element display with no minimal container / no border when true.  
Inputfield::themeBorder string Border style for Inputfield, one of 'none', 'card', 'hide' or 'line'.  
Inputfield::themeColor string Color theme for Inputfield, one of 'primary', 'secondary', 'warning', 'danger', 'success', 'highlight', 'none'.  
Inputfield::themeInputSize string Input size height/font within Inputfield, one of 's', 'm', or 'l'.  
Inputfield::themeInputWidth string Input width for text-type inputs, one of 'xs', 's', 'm', 'l', or 'f' (for full-width).  
Inputfield::themeOffset bool string Offset/margin for Inputfield, one of 's', 'm', or 'l'.  


string InputfieldGet or set required state. @since 3.0.110
Can also be used as property: Inputfield::required
Inputfield::requiredAttr int bool null Use HTML5 “required” attribute when used by Inputfield and $required is true? Default=null.  
string InputfieldGet or set required-if selector. @since 3.0.110
Can also be used as property: Inputfield::requiredIf
Inputfield::useLanguages bool null When multi-language support active, can be set to true to make it provide inputs for each language, where supported (default=false).  


string InputfieldGet content class attribute or add a class to it. @since 3.0.110
Can also be used as property: Inputfield::contentClass
Inputfield::hasField null Field The Field object associated with this Inputfield, or null when not applicable or not known.  
Inputfield::hasFieldtype null bool Fieldtype The Fieldtype using this Inputfield, or boolean false when known not to have a Fieldtype, or null when not known.  
Inputfield::hasInputfield null Inputfield If this Inputfield is owned/managed by another (other than parent/child relationship), it may be set here. 3.0.176+  
Inputfield::hasPage null Page The Page object associated with this Inputfield, or null when not applicable or not known.  
string InputfieldGet header class attribute or add a class to it. @since 3.0.110
Can also be used as property: Inputfield::headerClass
string InputfieldGet wrapper class attribute or add a class to it. @since 3.0.110
Can also be used as property: Inputfield::wrapClass


Inputfield::entityEncode(string $str)
stringEntity encode a string with optional Markdown support. 
Inputfield::entityEncodeLabel null bool int Set to boolean false to specifically disable entity encoding of field header/label (default=true).  
Inputfield::entityEncodeText null bool Set to boolean false to specifically disable entity encoding for other text: description, notes, etc. (default=true).  
stringRender the HTML input element(s) markup, ready for insertion in an HTML form.
Inputfield::renderFlags int Options that can be applied to render, see "render*" constants (default=0).  
boolMethod called right before Inputfield markup is rendered, so that any dependencies can be loaded as well. 
stringRender just the value (not input) in text/markup for presentation purposes.
Inputfield::renderValueFlags int Options that can be applied to renderValue mode, see "renderValue" constants (default=0).  
Inputfield::textFormat int null Text format to use for description/notes text in Inputfield (see textFormat constants)  


Inputfield::processInput(WireInputData $input)
$thisProcess input for this Inputfield directly from the POST (or GET) variables


(nothing)Clear errors from this Inputfield 
boolGet or set editable state for this Inputfield 
Inputfield::error(string $text)
$thisRecord an error for this Inputfield 
arrayReturn array of strings containing errors that occurred during input processing 


Methods primarily of interest during module development.

Inputfield::getConfigAllowContext(Field $field)
arrayReturn a list of config property names allowed for fieldgroup/template context
arrayAlternative method for configuration that allows for array definition
InputfieldWrapperGet any custom configuration fields for this Inputfield
(nothing)Per the Module interface, init() is called after any configuration data has been populated to the Inputfield, but before render. 
(nothing)Per the Module interface, this method is called when this Inputfield is installed
(nothing)Per the Module interface, uninstall() is called when this Inputfield is uninstalled


Collapsed constants

Constants allowed for the Inputfield::collapsed property.

Inputfield::collapsedBlank const2Collapsed only when blank 
Inputfield::collapsedBlankAjax const11Collapsed only when blank, and dynamically loaded by AJAX when opened 
Inputfield::collapsedBlankLocked const7Collapsed when blank, value visible but not editable 
Inputfield::collapsedHidden const4Hidden, not rendered in the form at all 
Inputfield::collapsedNever const9Never collapsed, and not collapsible 
Inputfield::collapsedNo const0Not collapsed (display as "open", default) 
Inputfield::collapsedNoLocked const6Not collapsed, value visible but not editable 
Inputfield::collapsedPopulated const5Collapsed only when populated 
Inputfield::collapsedTab const20Collapsed into a separate tab @since 3.0.201 
Inputfield::collapsedTabAjax const21Collapsed into a separate tab and AJAX loaded @since 3.0.201 
Inputfield::collapsedTabLocked const22Collapsed into a separate tab and locked (not editable) @since 3.0.201 
Inputfield::collapsedYes const1Collapsed unless opened 
Inputfield::collapsedYesAjax const10Collapsed and dynamically loaded by AJAX when opened 
Inputfield::collapsedYesLocked const8Collapsed unless opened (value becomes visible but not editable) 

SkipLabel constants

Constants allowed for the Inputfield::skipLabel property.

Inputfield::skipLabelBlank const4Skip rendering of the label when it is blank 
Inputfield::skipLabelFor consttrueDon't use a "for" attribute with the <label> 
Inputfield::skipLabelHeader const2Don't show a visible header (likewise, do not show the label) 
Inputfield::skipLabelMarkup const8Do not render any markup for the header/label at all @since 3.0.139 
Inputfield::skipLabelNo constfalseDon't skip the label (default) 

TextFormat constants

Constants for formats allowed in description, notes, label.

Inputfield::textFormatBasic const4Only allow basic/inline markdown, and no HTML (default) 
Inputfield::textFormatMarkdown const8Full markdown support with HTML also allowed 
Inputfield::textFormatNone const2Plain text: no type of markdown or HTML allowed 

Render constants

Inputfield::renderFirst const1Render flags: place first in render 
Inputfield::renderLast const2Render flags: place last in render 

RenderValue constants

Options for Inputfield::renderValueFlags property, applicable Inputfield::renderValue() method call.

Inputfield::renderValueFirst const8If there are multiple items, only render the first (where supported by the Inputfield). 
Inputfield::renderValueMinimal const2Render only the minimum output when in "renderValue" mode. 
Inputfield::renderValueNoWrap const4Indicates a parent InputfieldWrapper is not required when rendering value. 

Additional methods and properties

In addition to the methods and properties above, Inputfield also inherits the methods and properties of these classes:

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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