InputfieldWrapper::child() method

Find an Inputfield below this one that has the given name

This is an alternative to the getChildByName() method, with more options for when you need it. For instance, it can also accept a selector string or numeric index for the $name argument, and you can optionally disable the $recursive behavior.

Available since version 3.0.110.


// basic usage
$inputfield = $inputfieldWrapper->child();

// usage with all arguments
$inputfield = $inputfieldWrapper->child($name = '', bool $recursive = true);


name (optional)string, int

Name or selector string of child to find, omit for first child, or specify zero-based index of child to return.

recursive (optional)bool

Find child recursively? Looks for child in this wrapper, and all other wrappers below it. (default=true)

Return value

Inputfield null

Returns Inputfield instance if found, or null if not.

InputfieldWrapper methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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