InputfieldTextTags::tagsArray() method

Static utility function to convert a tags string to an array of [ 'tag' => 'label' ]

There isn’t currently a dedicated FieldtypeTextTags module, so if you want to convert a string of tags (as would be returned from a $page “text” field value) you can use this static helper method to convert the string of tags to an array of labels indexed by tag.

Note: returned tags and labels are entity-encoded when current $page API var output formatting is ON.


$field = $fields->get('tags'); // tags field using FieldtypeText
$tags = $page->get('tags'); // page value (string of tags, i.e. "foo bar baz")
$labels = InputfieldTextTags::tagsArray($field, $tags);
foreach($labels as $tag => $label) {
  echo "<li>$tag: $label</li>";


// basic usage
$array = InputfieldTextTags::tagsArray(Field $field);

// usage with all arguments
$array = InputfieldTextTags::tagsArray(Field $field, $tags = null);


tags (optional)string, array, null

Return value


InputfieldTextTags methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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