Get thumbnail image info
// basic usage
$array = $inputfieldImage->getAdminThumb(Pageimage $img);
// usage with all arguments
$array = $inputfieldImage->getAdminThumb(Pageimage $img, bool $useSizeAttributes = true, bool $remove = false);
Name | Type(s) | Description |
img | Pageimage | Image to get thumb for |
useSizeAttributes (optional) | bool | Whether width and or height size attributes should be included in the |
remove (optional) | bool | Specify true to remove legacy thumbnail file |
Return value
'thumb' => Pageimage object,
'attr' => associative array of image attributes
'markup' => string of markup for ,
'amarkup' => same as above but wrapped in tag
'error' => error message if applicable
'title' => potential title attribute for tag with image info );
InputfieldImage methods and properties
API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244