Inputfield that accepts date and optionally time
Click any linked item for full usage details and examples. Hookable methods are indicated with the icon. In addition to those shown below, the Inputfield
class also inherits all the methods and properties of: Inputfield, WireData and Wire.
Name | Return | Summary | |
Inputfield | bool int | Show a select dropdown to allow changing month? (default=true) | |
Inputfield | bool int | Show a select dropdown to allow changing year? (default=true) | |
Inputfield | string | Date input format to use, see WireDateTime::$dateFormats (default='Y-m-d') | |
Inputfield | string | Refers to the max attribute on date inputs, ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD) | |
Inputfield | string | Refers to the min attribute on date inputs, ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD) | |
Inputfield | string | Format to use for date select, i.e. 'mdy' for 'Sep 1 2024' or 'Mdy' for 'September 1 2024' | |
Inputfield | int | Refers to the step attribute on date inputs | |
Inputfield | int | jQuery UI datepicker type (see `datepicker*` constants) | |
Inputfield Inputfield Inputfield | array | Get or set jQuery UI datepicker (and timepicker) options | |
Inputfield | int bool | When no value is present, default to today’s date/time? | |
Inputfield Inputfield Inputfield | InputfieldWrapper | Date/time Inputfield configuration, per field | |
Inputfield Inputfield Inputfield | Inputfield | Get current date/time input type instance | |
Inputfield Inputfield Inputfield | Inputfield | Get all date/time input types | |
Inputfield | string | When "html" is selection for $inputType, this should be one of: "date", "time" or "datetime". | |
Inputfield | string | Input type to use, one of: "text", "select" or "html" (when html type is used, also specify $htmlType). | |
Inputfield | int | Number of month calendars to show together side-by-side (default=1) | |
Inputfield | string | Placeholder attribute text | |
Inputfield Inputfield Inputfield | Inputfield Inputfield | Process input | |
Inputfield Inputfield Inputfield | string | Render the date/time inputfield | |
Inputfield Inputfield Inputfield | bool | Called before the render method, from a hook in the Inputfield class | |
Inputfield Inputfield Inputfield | string | Render value for presentation, non-input | |
Inputfield | bool int | When combined with "required" option, this also makes it use the HTML5 "required" attribute (default=false). | |
Inputfield Inputfield Inputfield | Inputfield WireData | Set property | |
Inputfield Inputfield Inputfield | Inputfield Inputfield | Capture setting of the 'value' attribute and convert string dates to unix timestamp | |
Inputfield | string | Animation type (default='fade') | |
Inputfield | bool int | Show "Today" and "Done" buttons under the calendar? (default=false) | |
Inputfield | bool int | Show the month after the year? (default=false) | |
Inputfield | bool int | Show dates in other months (non-selectable) at the start or end of the current month? (default=false) | |
Inputfield | int | Substitute day when month+year or time only selectinos are made (default=8) | |
Inputfield | int | Substitute hour when date-only selections are made (default=0) | |
Inputfield | int | Substitute minute when date-only selection are made (default=0) | |
Inputfield | int | Substitute month when time-only selections are made (default=4) | |
Inputfield | int | Substitute year when month+day or time only selections are made (default=2010) | |
Inputfield | string | Time input format to use, see WireDateTime::$timeFormats (default='') | |
Inputfield | int | jQuery UI timeSelect type (requires datepicker)—specify 1 to use a `<select>` for time input, or 0 to use a slider (default=0) | |
Inputfield | string | Refers to the max attribute on time inputs (HH:MM) | |
Inputfield | string | Refers to the min attribute on time inputs (HH:MM) | |
Inputfield | string | Format to use for time select | |
Inputfield | int | Refers to the step attribute on time inputs | |
Inputfield | int | This Inputfield keeps the value in UNIX timestamp format (int). | |
Inputfield | int | First selectable year (default=current year - 100) | |
Inputfield | bool int | Disallow selection of years outside the yearFrom/yearTo range? (default=false) | |
Inputfield | string | Selectable year range in the format `-30:+20` where -30 is number of years before now and +20 is number of years after now. | |
Inputfield | int | Last selectable year (default=current year + 20) |
Additional methods and properties
In addition to the methods and properties above, Inputfield
API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244