InputfieldCKEditor class

CKEditor textarea rich text editor.

Click any linked item for full usage details and examples. Hookable methods are indicated with the icon. In addition to those shown below, the InputfieldCKEditor class also inherits all the methods and properties of: InputfieldTextarea, InputfieldText, Inputfield, WireData and Wire.

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InputfieldCKEditor::addExtraPluginsDir(string $dir)
(nothing)Add an extra plugins dir available to all CKEditor instances 
InputfieldCKEditor::assetPageID int 
InputfieldCKEditor::configName string 
InputfieldCKEditor::contentsCss string 
InputfieldCKEditor::contentsInlineCss string 
InputfieldCKEditor::customOptions string 
InputfieldCKEditor::extraAllowedContent string 
InputfieldCKEditor::extraPlugins string array 
InputfieldCKEditor::extraPluginsDirs array Extra plugins directories, see addExtraPluginsDir() method. 3.0.179+ 
InputfieldCKEditor::formatTags string 
InputfieldWrapperConfigure Inputfield
InputfieldCKEditor::imageFields array 
InputfieldCKEditor::inheritField string Field to inherit above settings from 
InputfieldCKEditor::inlineMode bool int (default=0) 
InputfieldCKEditor::processInput(WireInputData $input)
$thisProcess data submitted to a CKEditor field
InputfieldCKEditor::removeExtraPluginsDir(string $dir)
(nothing)Remove an extra plugins dir for all CKEditor instances 
InputfieldCKEditor::removePlugins string 
stringRender the output code for CKEditor
boolRender ready 
stringRender non-editable version of Inputfield
InputfieldCKEditor::set(string $key, mixed $value)
Inputfield InputfieldCKEditorSet 
InputfieldCKEditor::stylesSet string 
InputfieldCKEditor::toggles array 
InputfieldCKEditor::toolbar string 
InputfieldCKEditor::useACF bool int (default=1) 
InputfieldCKEditor::usePurifier bool int (default=0) 

Additional methods and properties

In addition to the methods and properties above, InputfieldCKEditor also inherits the methods and properties of these classes:

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.244

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