wireMkdir() function

Create a directory (optionally recursively) that is writable to ProcessWire and uses the $config chmod settings

This is procedural version of the $files->mkdir() method.


// basic usage
$bool = wireMkdir(string $path);

// usage with all arguments
$bool = wireMkdir(string $path, bool $recursive = false, string $chmod = null);


recursive (optional)bool

If set to true, all directories will be created as needed to reach the end.

chmod (optional)string

Optional mode to set directory to (default: $config->chmodDir), format must be a string i.e. "0755" If omitted, then ProcessWire’s $config->chmodDir setting is used instead.

Return value


See Also

Functions methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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