wireIconMarkup() function

Render markup for a system icon

It is NOT necessary to specify an icon prefix like “fa-” with the icon name.

Modifiers recognized in the class attribute: lg, fw, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, spin, spinner, li, border, inverse, rotate-90, rotate-180, rotate-270, flip-horizontal, flip-vertical, stack, stack-1x, stack-2x


// Outputs: "<i class='fa fa-home'></i>"
echo wireIconMarkup('home');

// Outputs: "<i class='fa fa-home fa-fw fa-lg my-class'></i>"
echo wireIconMarkup('home', 'fw lg my-class');

// Outputs "<i class='fa fa-home fa-fw' id='root-icon'></i>" (3.0.229+ only)
echo wireIconMarkup('home', 'fw id=root-icon');
echo wireIconMarkup('home fw id=root-icon'); // same as above


// basic usage
$string = wireIconMarkup(string $icon);

// usage with all arguments
$string = wireIconMarkup(string $icon, string $class = '');



Icon name (currently a font-awesome icon name)

class (optional)string

Any of the following:

  • Additional attributes for class (example: "fw" for fixed width)
  • Your own custom class(es) separated by spaces
  • Any additional attributes in format key="val" key='val' or key=val string (3.0.229+)
  • An optional trailing space to append an &nbsp; to the return icon markup (3.0.229+)
  • Any of the above may also be specified in the $icon argument in 3.0.229+.

Return value


Functions methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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