$database->queryLog() method

Log a query, start/stop query logging, or return logged queries

  • To log a query, provide the $sql argument containing the query (string).
  • To retrieve the query log, call this method with no arguments.
  • Note the core only populates the query log when $config->debug mode is active.
  • Specify boolean true for $sql argument to reset and start query logging (3.0.173+)
  • Specify boolean false for $sql argument to stop query logging (3.0.173+)


// basic usage
$array = $database->queryLog();

// usage with all arguments
$array = $database->queryLog($sql = '', string $note = '');


sql (optional)string, bool

Query (string) to log, boolean true to reset/start query logging, boolean false to stop query logging

note (optional)string

Any additional debugging notes about the query

Return value

array bool

Returns query log array, boolean true on success, boolean false if not

$database methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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