$cache->getFor() method

Same as get() but with namespace

Namespace is useful to avoid cache name collisions. The ProcessWire core commonly uses cache namespace to bind cache values to the object class, which often make a good namespace.

Please see the $cache->get() method for usage of all arguments.


// specify namespace as a string
$value = $cache->getFor('my-namespace', 'my-cache-name');

// or specify namespace is an object instance
$value = $cache->get($this, 'my-cache-name');


// basic usage
$string = $cache->getFor($ns, string $name);

// usage with all arguments
$string = $cache->getFor($ns, string $name, $expire = null, $func = null);


nsstring, object



Cache name

expire (optional)null, int, string

Optional expiration

func (optional)callable, null

Optional cache generation function

Return value

string array PageArray mixed null

Returns null if cache doesn’t exist and no generation function provided.

See Also

$cache methods and properties

API reference based on ProcessWire core version 3.0.236

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